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Proud Sponsors
of the LRC:


Looking to join the Lighthouse Resource Center Family?


You are in the right spot. Here you can see all the information that is important for sponsors to know. We are super excited to talk to you and welcome you into our family. With your sponsorship we can reach deeper into the community & provide help for those in need on a greater scale. 

As a sponsor you will be allowed to be present, promote your organization, hand out information

and more at ALL events that are hosted by the Lighthouse Resource Center. 

Food Pantry on the1st Wednesday of every month where we serve around 400 families. We have three distribution time slots:

11am - 12pm

1pm - 2pm

2:30pm - 3pm 

We host a total of 4 events throughout the year:

Spring Festival

Back to School Bash

Thanksgiving Dinner 

Winter Festival

Please fill out for sponsorship information

Someone from our team will contact you

Welcome to the Sponsorship family!​

Our Mission

To connect with members of the community in an authentic way by sharing the Love of Christ, giving hope, and utilizing our resources to shed Light in moments of darkness.

Lighthouse Resource Center is an equal opportunity provider.

©2023 by Lighthouse Resource Center

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